Hello folks, We got a new update for ChanServ XFLAG document, For Non-translated files please go to http://docs.dal.net/xml/chanflags/ and choose *EN* to start translating your own language. ------------------------------------ To whom translated 1.4.0 please go ahead and translate the next lines. ----------------CHANGE #1 In Section: How to check a channel eXtended flags We added new lines follow (X) -ChanServ- AUTOMSG: On -ChanServ- HIDE_MODE_LISTS: On X-ChanServ- NO_NICK_CHANGE: Off X-ChanServ- NO_UTF8: On -ChanServ- USER_VERBOSE: Off -----------------CHANGE #2 Changing Nicknames Syntax: /msg ChanServ@services.dal.net XFLAG #channel NO_NICK_CHANGE:ON/OFF Information: Users will not be allowed to change their nicks, while this option is set to ON. -----------------CHANGE #3 Encoding/Unicodes Syntax: /msg ChanServ@services.dal.net XFLAG #channel NO_UTF8:ON/OFF Information: All messages with strange characters (Hebrew/Arabic/UTF8). -----------------CHANGE #4 ((((We added subsubsection in subsection User Verbose))) **Translate lines below** What is #channel-relay ? When the option USER_VERBOSE is set to ON, all failed messages to your channel will be relayed to #channel-relay, and *ONLY* channel staff will be able to join that channel and check the failed message log. Please note that all channel operators and voiced users are exempt from needing to utilise this option. ------------------------ Other changes: /ChanServ XFLAG to /msg ChanServ@services.dal.net XFLAG This file will be named chanflagsxx-1.5.0.xml (Where xx is the domain of your country ) Thank you /h