Hi there, we must make a little update in modes.xml. So please take that file in your language from docs.dal.net/xml/modes, open it and find the place where stands: The +c mode stands for colourless. It is a relatively new mode and is quite specific to DALnet at this time. If a message sent to the channel contains colour codes (supported by most IRC clients), the message will be blocked as if the channel was moderated for that person. After "(supported by most IRC clients)" please add: "or control codes (including bold, underline, reverse, etc)" So the line must be: The +c mode stands for colourless. It is a relatively new mode and is quite specific to DALnet at this time. If a message sent to the channel contains colour codes (supported by most IRC clients) or control codes (including bold, underline, reverse, etc), the message will be blocked as if the channel was moderated for that person. Scince its a little update we dont need any changes in version. Regards Fredfred