Translators! We have updates for services help and services replies. These updates are from November 2018. Please check: and 1. For the reply file: Please check for yellow lines! They can be at the end of the site or in the middle. If you find one, translate it. Dont forget to click "new translation" and "submit". 2. For the help file: Check for yellow lines, too. Additionally please compare the commands with the original english ones I will post here. If there are changes, correct it in your language please. chanserv aop: Command - ^AOP^ Usage - ^AOP^ ADD [] ^AOP^ DEL ^AOP^ LIST [] ^AOP^ FULLLIST ^AOP^ INFO ^AOP^ WIPE Maintains the channel AutoOp list. Sub-commands: ADD - adds a user to a channels ^AutoOp^ access list. Limited to SOPs and above. DEL - removes a user from a channel's ^AutoOp^ access list. Limited to SOPs and above. LIST - lists the ^AutoOp^ access list. Limited to AOPs and above. FULLLIST - lists the ^AutoOp^ access list with more information such as who added the entry and when it was added. Limited to AOPs and above. WIPE - will totally clear the AOP list. Limited to channel managers and above. AOP lists are limited to 300 entries. Examples: /msg AOP #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah /msg AOP #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@* /msg AOP #dragonrealm DEL 3 /msg AOP #dragonrealm LIST /msg AOP #dragonrealm WIPE chanserv count: Command - ^COUNT^ Usage - ^COUNT^ This command will display the number of VOPs, AOPs, SOPs, managers and AKICKs in a channel. Note: You need ^VOP^ or higher access on the channel to use this command. Example: /msg COUNT #Macintosh chanserv devoice: Command - ^DEVOICE^ Usage - ^DEVOICE^ This command is used to remove voice status from someone in a channel. Note: VOPs can only devoice themselves. Note: You need AOP or higher access on the channel to use this command on other people. Example: /msg DEVOICE #DragonRealm Kobi_S chanserv index: ^ChanServ^ gives normal users the ability to keep hold of a channel, without the need for a bot. Unlike other IRC networks, channel takeovers are virtually impossible, when they are registered. Registration is a quick and painless process. Once registered, the founder can maintain complete and total control of the channel. ^ChanServ^ will stop monitoring a channel if no Op enters the channel for 30 days or the founder's nick expires. For more information on a command ^/msg help ^ Core Commands: REGISTER - Register a channel SET - Change various channel configuration settings SOP - Maintain SuperOp channel operator list AOP - Maintain AutoOp channel operator list VOP - Maintain the channel's AutoVoice list AKICK - Maintain the channel AutoKick banned user list MANAGER - Maintain the channel manager list DROP - Drop a registered channel SENDPASS - Request that your password be sent via email Other Commands: IDENTIFY ACCESS OP DEOP INFO INVITE MKICK MDEOP UNBAN COUNT WHY ACC LISTOPS XFLAG VOICE DEVOICE chanserv listops: Command - ^LISTOPS^ Usage - ^LISTOPS^ This command lists all the AOPs, SOPs, managers and founder of the channel. Note: You need ^VOP^ or higher access on the channel to use this command. Examples: /msg LISTOPS #dragonrealm chanserv set: Command - ^SET^ [] Allows you to change your channel settings. These affect a registered channel's status and operation. Only the ^channel founder^ can use the SET commands. For more information on a command ^/msg help SET ^ Core SET Commands: DESC - Modify the channel's description FOUNDER - Allows you to change the channel founder IDENT - Ops have to identify to NickServ before ChanServ ops them KEEPTOPIC - Maintain the topic when no one is on the channel MAILBLOCK - Prevent the use of the SENDPASS command MLOCK - Locks the channel to certain modes OPGUARD - More militant channel operator protection PASSWD - Lets you change the channel founder password RESTRICT - Allow ops only into a channel SUCCESSOR - Set the next owner of the channel if the Founder nick expires URL - Attaches a URL to the channel VERBOSE - Shows (some) commands issued by AOPs and above Additional Commands: TOPICLOCK LEAVEOPS PRIVATE MEMO VOICEGUARD chanserv set voiceguard: Command - ^SET VOICEGUARD^ Usage - ^SET^ ^VOICEGUARD^ [^ON^|^OFF^] Turns on/off voice guarding on a channel. When ON, only users with VOP+ access will be allowed to be voiced on the channel. Example: /msg SET #DragonRealm VOICEGUARD ON chanserv voice: Command - ^VOICE^ Usage - ^VOICE^ [...] Will voice the given nick(s) in the given channel. Will not work if voiceguard is enabled and the user doesn't have VOP+ access. If a nick parameter isn't given, your current nick will be voiced. Note: VOPs can only voice themselves. Note: You need AOP or higher access on the channel to use this command on other people. Example: /msg VOICE #DragonRealm /msg VOICE #DragonRealm Kobi_S chanserv vop: Command - ^VOP^ Usage - ^VOP^ ADD ^VOP^ DEL ^VOP^ LIST [] ^VOP^ WIPE Maintains the channel AutoVoice list. Only ^MANAGERs^ and the founder may use WIPE, ^SOPs^ or above may ADD and DEL VOPs, and any ^AOP^ or above may use LIST. ADD adds a user to a channels ^AutoVoice^ access list. DEL removes a user from a channel's ^AutoVoice^ access list. LIST lists the ^AutoVoice^ access list, with an index number. When LIST is used with a search pattern, only those entries to the ^VOP access list^ matching your search pattern will be shown to you. WIPE will totally clear the VOP list. VOP lists are limited to 300 entries. Examples: /msg VOP #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah /msg VOP #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@* /msg VOP #dragonrealm DEL 3 /msg VOP #dragonrealm LIST /msg VOP #dragonrealm WIPE cs xflag: Command - ^XFLAG^ Usage - ^XFLAG^ ^XFLAG^ ^XFLAG^ ... ^XFLAG^ DEFAULT ^XFLAG^ RECOMMENDED This commands lets you view or set extended channel flags on a channel. Available xflags: JOIN_CONNECT_TIME - Number of seconds the user must be online to be able to join TALK_CONNECT_TIME - Number of seconds the user must be online to be able to talk on the channel TALK_JOIN_TIME - Number of seconds the user must be on the channel to be able to talk on the channel NO_NOTICE - no notices can be sent to the channel (on/off) NO_CTCP - no ctcps can be sent to the channel (on/off) NO_PART_MSG - no /part messages (on/off) NO_QUIT_MSG - no /quit messages (on/off) NO_NICK_CHANGE - no nick changes allowed on this channel (on/off) NO_UTF8 - messages with strange characters (Hebrew/Arabic/UTF8) will be blocked (on/off) HIDE_MODE_LISTS - hide /mode #channel +b/+I/+e lists from non-ops (on/off) EXEMPT_OPPED - exempt opped users (on/off) EXEMPT_VOICED - exempt voiced users (on/off) EXEMPT_IDENTD - exempt users with identd (on/off) EXEMPT_REGISTERED - exempt users with umode +r (on/off) EXEMPT_INVITES - exempt users who are +I'ed (on/off) USER_VERBOSE - send failed command messages to #channel-relay (on/off) AUTOMSG - tell everyone who joins that the channel is protected (on/off) Special xflags: DEFAULT - reset all xflags back to their defaults RECOMMENDED - sets recommended xflags for channels that are being flooded Note: You need AOP or higher access on the channel to view the current xflag settings and MANAGER or FOUNDER access to modify them. Examples: /msg XFLAG #dragonrealm /msg XFLAG #dragonrealm DEFAULT /msg XFLAG #dragonrealm NO_NOTICE:ON NO_CTCP:ON TALK_JOIN_TIME:30 nickserv identify: Command - ^IDENTIFY^ Usage - ^IDENTIFY^ ^IDENTIFY^ This tells NickServ that you are the owner of a certain nickname. After you have identified, you have full access to the nickname. If a nick parameter isn't given, your current nick will be used. Example: /msg IDENTIFY HiNellieBell /msg IDENTIFY Kobi_S HiNellieBell Dont forget to "submit" the changes. :)