Hello folks, We will work on chandev-file now. Please fetch your recent version from docs.dal.net/xml/chandev folder. Open the file and please do the following changes in your language. Now remember to use utf-8 and surrogate ^c~u. ****** Search THE SECTION:
How can I make my channel grow?

This is the most common question channel founders ask after registering their channels. The main key to a channel̉³ success is patience. A new channel cannot grow overnight and there are many things you need to consider before you get the channel really moving. Mass inviting is against DALnet's policies and may lead to your channel being closed. You may read for more information on mass inviting and its consequences. Ask yourself what has the channel got to offer the users. Set a topic that would be of interest to all channel users. Try not to be too hard on the users. A good channel founder must know how to make users "feel welcome" to the channel. When a user enters a channel, first thing they look at is at the topic. Be sure not to have anything that might offend users and cause them to leave. The idea here is to Treat people the way you want to be treated.

When setting channel rules, be sure to be fair to all users. No one likes double standards. Use kicks and bans moderately and only when necessary. Adding wide bans unnecessarily will lead to nothing but an empty channel. Be fair-minded and treat everyone the same way you want to be treated. The most common channel rules are no flooding, no spamming, no advertising/ inviting and no begging for Ops. The rest will depend solely on you; the founder and the rest of the channel̉³ management.

There are many ways of making your channel popular. These include having a game bot, or a support channel for a good cause. Channels gain their popularity by word of mouth. In order for your current visitors to invite their friends, there must be something to attract users. Have a channel website and put up some useful information on your channel there that might be of interest to the users. It is recommended not to clone another channel just to challenge. Example, #optraining and #trainingop. It would show the lack of creativity on the founder's part and make users think that there has been some sort of problems. Channels created should have a clean and positive environment for everyone.

******* ADD this section under it:
What is XFLAG and how to Enable?

XFLAG is a new command to protect your channel from floodbots, to enable it you will need to use the recommended option

Syntax: /ChanServ XFLAG #channel RECOMMENDED

For more information about XFLAG, please visit the document http://docs.dal.net/docs/chanflags.html

Next, please find:

If your channel is not synched properly, you only have one way to fix this problem, by making your channel empty from all the users. You can simply talk with your channel users (if they are few enough) to part the channel for few minutes, or if its hard to do so with all the channel users (if it is a big channel), you can do the masskick command by typing /chanserv MKICK [#channelname], in which this command will kick all users that in your channel, and by this way your channel will be synchronized and organized once again. For more help on masskick command, see http://docs.dal.net/docs/chanserv.html#9 and replace everything by:

If your channel is not synched properly, go to #operhelp. DALnet staff will help you to synch the channel again.

------------------------------------------ Translate the document the best way and save the file as chandevxx-1.2.0.xml (Where xx is the domain of your country ) Thank you /h