update for chanflags 1.7.0 Please find -ChanServ- NO_QUIT_MSG: On -ChanServ- NO_NICK_CHANGE: Off -ChanServ- NO_UTF8: On Under this, add: -ChanServ- NO_VPNS: Off -ChanServ- NO_SHELLS: On Please find: -ChanServ- EXEMPT_INVITES: On Under this, add: -ChanServ- EXEMPT_WEBIRC: On Then find: Encoding/Unicodes

Syntax: /msg ChanServ@services.dal.net XFLAG #channel NO_UTF8:ON/OFF

Information: All messages with strange characters (Hebrew/Arabic/UTF8) are suppressed in channel when this option is set to ON.

Under this, add and translate: VPNs

Syntax: /msg ChanServ@services.dal.net XFLAG #channel NO_VPNS:ON/OFF

Information: No connections from public VPN services will be allowed when you set this option to ON. A virtual private network (VPN) is a technology that creates a safe and encrypted connection over a less secure network.


Syntax: /msg ChanServ@services.dal.net XFLAG #channel NO_SHELLS:ON/OFF

Information: If this option is set ON, no connections from shell providers will be allowed in the channel. A shell is used to connect to DALnet with a remote hosts using the connection from the shell provider.

Find: Exempt Invited users

Syntax: /msg ChanServ@services.dal.net XFLAG #channel EXEMPT_INVITES:ON/OFF

Information: Users with the channelmode +I will be exempted from your channel XFLAG options you have set.

under this, add and translate: Exempt webirc users

Syntax: /msg ChanServ@services.dal.net XFLAG #channel EXEMPT_WEBIRC:ON/OFF

Information: Users who connect to DALnet via the webirc will be exempted from other channel XFLAG options you have set.

Thanks :)