update for chanserv-1.5.0 Please take your chanserv.xml file from docs.dal.net/xml, of course in your language. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Counting VOps/AOps/SOps/Managers and AKicks to Count the channel entries -------------------------- Go to line: - Wipe AOP/SOP lists Change it to: - Wipe VOP/HOP/AOP/SOP lists --------------------------

Information: This command counts all the AKicks, VOps , AOps , SOps and Managers in a channel and gives you the number in a reply.


Information: This command counts all the AKicks, Halfops, VOps , AOps , SOps and Managers in a channel and gives you the number in a reply.

-ChanServ- Channel: #mystro - VOP: 35 AOP: 27 SOP: 3 MANAGER: 1 AKICK: 9 to -ChanServ- Channel: #mystro - VOP: 35 HOP:1 AOP: 27 SOP: 3 MANAGER: 1 AKICK: 9 ------------------------- Listing VOps,AOps,SOps,Managers and Founder of the channel. to Listing channel accesses ---------------------------------------

Information: This command lists all the VOPs, AOPs, SOPs, managers and founder of the channel. Limited to AutoOps or above.


Information: This command lists all the VOPs, HOPs, AOPs, SOPs, managers and founder of the channel. Limited to AutoOps or above.


-ChanServ- Vop(s):

-ChanServ- Ufo (ufo@ip25.ip-167-114-218.net)


-ChanServ- Vop(s):

-ChanServ- Ufo (ufo@ip25.ip-167-114-218.net)

-ChanServ- Hop(s):

-ChanServ- Phoenix (h@2607:f8f8:790:5::1234)

-------------------------------------- Information: When this argument is set on only AOps, SOps, Managers and the Founder will be allowed to be an op in the channel, everyone else will automatically be deopped.

to Information: When this argument is set on only HOs, AOps, SOps, Managers and the Founder will be allowed to be an op in the channel, everyone else will automatically be deopped.

-------------------------------------- Under

Note: The VOP list is limited to 300 entries. Wipe may only be used by manager or founder.

add this
Adding/removing/listing HOps

Syntax: /chanserv hop #channel add/del/list/xlist/wipe [nick] or [mask] [reason]

Information: Half-ops (Hops) will be able to kick users who aren't opped (+o) or voiced (+v), they also can change the channel topic even if (+t) is set. For more information about channel modes, please visit http://docs.dal.net/docs/modes.html.

Note: The HOP list is limited to 300 entries. If a SOP+ adds A half-op to a channel, they give them the permission to invite and unban themselves, and they can view the channel listops.

------------------------- find this : none/aop/sop/manager/founder change it to : none/hop/aop/sop/manager/founder --------------------------------------- find this: #DALnetHelp change it to: #Help -------------------------------------------- find this:

Information: This command will invite you into a +R/+O/+i/+l/+k/+b channel or a channel which you have been banned from by someone. You must be an AOp or higher to use that command.

change it to:

Information: This command will invite you into a +R/+O/+i/+l/+k/+b channel or a channel which you have been banned from by someone. You must be an VOp or higher to use that command.

----------------------------------------------- find this:

5 = AutoVoice

add this under:

8 = Halfop

------------------------------------------------- find this line:

Note: You must be an AOp or higher to use that command.

change it to:

Note: You must be added to the channel list to use that command.

------------------------------------------------- Find: Setting who may send channel-wide memos

Syntax: /chanserv set #channel memo none/aop/sop/manager/founder

Information: This command allows the founder to manage who may send channel memos. When memo is set to none, no one can memo; when memo is set to AOp, all people on chanserv's access list may memo, when memo is set to SOp only founder and sops may memo and when the option is set to founder only the channel founder may send channel wide memos.

change it to: Setting who may send channel-wide memos

Syntax: /chanserv set #channel memo none/hop/aop/sop/manager/founder

Information: This command allows the founder to manage who may send channel memos. When memo is set to none, no one can memo; when memo is set to HOp, all people on chanserv's access list may memo, when memo is set to SOp only founder and sops may memo and when the option is set to founder only the channel founder may send channel wide memos.

------------------------------------------------- Find: Restricting a channel to AOps and higher

Change to: Restricting a channel to HOps and higher

------------------------------------------------- Find: Voicing / Devoicing people

Syntax: /chanserv voice/devoice #channel nickname

Information: This command will voice a given nick in the channel. It will not work is voiceguard is enabled and the user doesnt have VOP access. You must be an AOp or higher in order to use this command.

UNder this, add:
Half-oping / Half-deoping people

Syntax: /chanserv halfop/dehalfop #channel nickname

Information: This command will halfop a given nick in the channel. It will not work is opguard is enabled and the user doesnt have HOP access. You must be an AOp or higher in order to use this command.

============================ please save it with your file language as chanserv**-1.5.0.xml and send it to Fredfred@dal.net or docs@dal.net to upload. Thank you all. #DocsTeam h @ DALnet =============================