Greetings, This is the final release of the translation for the DALnet History Document: 1) a)Scroll to the paragraph where it reads the following: On March 22nd 2000, dalvenjah turned over the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) position to taz, due to real life considerations which made it impossible for him to attend to DALnet as much as was needed. dalvenjah did a wonderful job, and taz continued the tradition. Add the following sentence to that paragraph: taz left in January 2003 handing it over to MirclMax who still holds the position today. b)In the paragraph below that that reads: And here we are now, after six and a half years, with a user record of 80,000 simultaneous users on this growing network while keeping intact the ideal of providing the best service and chatting environment for everyone. Change to: And here we are now, after ten years, with a user record of 140,000 simultaneous users being the highest record on this growing network while keeping intact the ideal of providing the best service and chatting environment for everyone. 2) a) The Services Abuse and Exploits Teams are no longer a sub of KLine. Also, remove Open Proxy and clones team since it is one with the exploits prevention team. Add the following sentence under the Exploits Prevention Team: They also deal with clones and open proxy abuse. b) Rearrange the teams where Mass Ads goes before Exploits Prevention since Mass Ads is a sub of KLine and Exploits is no longer. 3) a) In the section "Some of the People who have helped make DALnet what it is" below acire, add: Ahnberg Joined DALnet in 1995. Currently admin for mozilla.*, member of the AOB, Testnet and Hostmasters. Team Leader for Routing, responsible for server applications. Also responsible for calling and accounting for all the votes that take place on DALnet. Friendly and always there when you need him. b) The following too have been changed and should read as given: JoeBlow Currently an AOB member. Former SRA member. Used to handle server applications which is currently being done by Ahnberg. JoelKatz Former AOB member, ex Coding Director, and ex SRA. He wrote the original CSOp guides. Former admin of quite a few servers (igc.*, enterprise.*, glass.*, wizlink.*, host.*) Basically he just stopped doing things, and that's why he isn't any of those things anymore. Barely comes online at all anymore. Used to be active on the mailing lists. lucas Former Leader of Coders Team. Former admin (hebron.*) MSOfty Current coder and former leader of Routing team (still active) and also an SRA member. admin of toronto.*. Maintains and develops services and Kind of quiet, although he's a great guy when he actually talks. Raistlin_Majere Coder on Bahamut. KLine, Routing and Testnet Administration member also leader for the CyberCafe team and Bahamut. He's one of the oldest admins on DALnet. Worked at toledolink.* where glass.* was based, took over as admin after JoelKatz left. Former Head of Exploits team. Eggdrop coder. xPsycho Used to code and maintain services. SRA member. The version number for this document should read 1.1.0 . Save the file as historyxx-1.1.0.xml and that's about it :) Regards, PJKevin